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Secretary's Message

Hon. Secretary's Words

I am privileged to have the opportunity to pen down the following few lines as the secretary of the esteemed association.
Following the initiation of the super-speciality courses, the number of pediatric surgeons in the state is increasing every year. This increase in the workforce has benefitted the people of Odisha. Pediatric surgeons usually deal with congenital malformations which are more common in the economically backward population. Hence, we shall try to formulate treatment methods that are cheap and easily accessible.
The future lies in the accessibility of the treatment. The virtual world has made it easier and has created a global village. Developing cheap and affordable services through artificial intelligence is going to make the services more accessible. We the pediatric surgeons have to match with the revolution and modify ourselves.
The burden of disease in pediatric surgery is enormous compared to the workforce available. Lack of glamour and finances has been a significant hindrance in opting for this subject as a career by many young surgeons. Hence, knowingly we have chosen this branch of surgery not for money but service. Let us not move away from this noble thought and try to fulfil the aim that not a single pediatric surgical patient be debarred from treatment.
The caregivers first report to a paediatrician for the surgical problems in the patient. The situation is similar in many developing countries. We have to establish a good working relationship with the paediatricians so that no single patient is unable to get the desired surgical services. There is no need of referring patients to neurosurgeons, urologists, etc. for the ailments managed by us in a better way. The paediatricians have to be made aware of it.
Finally, we should respect to each other and try to learn from each other. No man is perfect. There is always a space available for improvement. Competing with self will surely push us to the forefront, and with individual development, the association will develop.

Dr. Akash Pati